Marketing Lessons from Leaf Cleanup

The fall brings an annual chore in West Michigan – clearing away fallen leaves. A lot of leaves.

And with that comes a lot of time to think.

As I was raking, blowing, and dragging leaves, I thought of the similarities between leaf cleanup and managing marketing efforts. See if you feel the same.

    You can waste a lot of time if you don't have a plan. There are many ways to approach big projects like this. Think about what you’re trying to do, the tools you’ll use, and how you want to tackle what’s in front of you. Will you be happy with the parts you accomplish if something comes up and you need to pause? You'll want everything to be perfect. But it doesn't have to be because you'll likely have to do it again. This is daunting stuff – trust and work your plan.

    Projects like these look easier at the onset. Unfortunately, both yard clean-up and marketing initiatives usually take longer than you think, require more effort, and any feelings of success can easily come and go. You’ll hear opinions from people not doing the work. And some stakeholders will wonder if you're making any progress at all. Try not to take it too seriously and find ways to keep it fun – kids and dogs can help.

    It's easy to compare ourselves to Brian and how easy the job is when you have a riding mower, a backpack blower, and a couple of teenagers. But you can accomplish the same task with hustle, experience, and tools. Remember what’s worked for you in the past and find ways to do more of it. You can do a lot with a little – it just takes time.

    Doing a little bit here and there is better than one big go. Like everything, it's easier when the conditions are good. The bigger the landscape, the more work to be done. With limited time, you need to focus on specific areas. Schedule the effort and set milestones – we all work faster when we’ve promised a deadline. And don’t forget to celebrate the wins as you go.

    For many of us, a project like this can be one more thing. If you’re not used to working in this space, it can be time-consuming, and frustrating—and progress can feel...underwhelming. There are many good reasons to hire an expert who works in this space all the time.

If you'd value a fresh perspective, extra hands, or someone to do some of the hard work for you, give us a shout. For your marketing needs, of course. No more leaves, please.